Who Left this World a Better Place: Dr. Diana H. Wall, Restor’s Foundation Council Member

Por Restor Communications

Publicado em Community stories


27 de março de 2024

Diana Wall, one of the world’s most internationally respected environmental scientists, passed away March 25. Diana Wall served in Restor’s leadership as a Foundation Council Member from the beginning and was the inaugural director of Colorado State University’s School of Global Environmental Sustainability. Wall was recognized for her work on soil biodiversity and climate change. Her breakthrough research emphasized how life in soil, from microbes to invertebrates, contributes to ecosystem services. Wall was an elected member of the National Academy of Sciences and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and is the 2013 Laureate of the Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement. In 2004, as recognition for her work on the continent, she had an Antarctic feature named after her: Wall Valley.

“Diana Wall was an absolute legend of soil ecology, and an inspiration. Her cutting edge research in Antarctica transformed the way we understand the belowground world. But her advocacy and community building is a key reason that soil ecology is finally starting to move up the social and political agendas of our world.’’ Professor. Dr. Thomas Crowther, Founder Restor

Restor mourns the loss of Dr. Diana H. Wall, a champion of soil ecology. Restor is honored to have been part of her journey. Her legacy will endure as a testament to the power of science, dedication, and perseverance in creating positive change. Our heartfelt condolences go out to her loved ones. The environment has lost a leading advocate today.

Written by Restor Communications

Published in

Community stories


27 de março de 2024

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Restor é uma organização sem fins lucrativos suíça, com equivalência de 501(c)(3)


Restor é uma organização sem fins lucrativos suíça, com equivalência de 501(c)(3)