Platform updates

Por Restor Team

Publicado em Community stories


17 de janeiro de 2023

The Restor platform is updated on a rolling basis and this is the best place to learn what’s new. 

Every update and new feature we develop is informed by feedback and suggestions from the growing Restor community. Share your feedback and suggestions with us at any time by using the feedback form. You will find it in the platform menu. 

10 January 2023

Update highlights:

  • Site admins can set individual data calculations to private, which hides calculations on a site’s page. 

  • A new and improved search function that lets you search for places, sites, organizations, and collections. 

  • Six new carbon data layers including estimated numbers for current and potential mean carbon density in above-ground and below-ground woody biomass by Walker et al 2022.

  • The addition of Dutch and Bahasa Indonesia languages. 

We’ve also made a number of tweaks, fixes, and improvements that will improve your experience on Restor. Open Restor now to see what’s new. 

Open Restor

Carbon Data

Image of the updated carbon data set

Written by Restor Team

Published in

Community stories


17 de janeiro de 2023

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Restor é uma organização sem fins lucrativos suíça, com equivalência de 501(c)(3)


Restor é uma organização sem fins lucrativos suíça, com equivalência de 501(c)(3)


Restor é uma organização sem fins lucrativos suíça, com equivalência de 501(c)(3)