Science Advisory Council

Restor’s Science Advisory Council is composed of leading experts in social, political, and ecological sciences related to restoration. The Science Advisory Council exists to ensure that the best understanding, best practices for ecological restoration, and most effective approaches guide our work.

Science Advisory Council

Restor’s Science Advisory Council is composed of leading experts in social, political, and ecological sciences related to restoration. The Science Advisory Council exists to ensure that the best understanding, best practices for ecological restoration, and most effective approaches guide our work.

Science Advisory Council

Restor’s Science Advisory Council is composed of leading experts in social, political, and ecological sciences related to restoration. The Science Advisory Council exists to ensure that the best understanding, best practices for ecological restoration, and most effective approaches guide our work.

Amy Zanne

Professor of Biology, University of Miami

Bronson Griscom

Senior Director, Natural Climate Solutions, Conservation International

Colin Averill

Ecologist and Climate Change Scientist - Founder and CEO of Funga

Daniel Maynard

Associate Professor, University College London

Karen Holl

Professor of Environmental Studies, University of California, Santa Cruz

Laura Duncanson

Assistant Professor of Geographical Sciences, University of Maryland, College Park

Paul Smith

Secretary General, Botanic Gardens Conservation International

Pedro Brancalion

Professor of Forest Restoration, University of São Paulo, Brazil

Peter Reich

Professor of Forest Ecology and Tree Physiology, University of Minnesota

Rebecca Cole

Affiliate Professor, University of Alaska Fairbanks

Sasha Reed

Research Ecologist, United States Geological Survey

Susan Cook Patton

Senior Forest Restoration Scientist, The Nature Conservancy

Thomas Crowther

Professor of Global Ecosystem Ecology, ETH Zürich, Founder of Restor


Restor is a Swiss nonprofit, with 501(c)(3) equivalency.


Restor is a Swiss nonprofit, with 501(c)(3) equivalency.


Restor is a Swiss nonprofit, with 501(c)(3) equivalency.